The CLOUD NINE 9-Day Detox

Day 1: Kickstarting Your Hair Detox

Take part in the CLOUD NINE-DAY DETOX, designed to empower you with the knowledge you need to revitalise your regime.
Find out more about the nine-day plan so that you can say “hello” to your healthiest hair yet.

About the author

Mathilde Heather is a hair stylist and salon owner operating in Bath, UK. She specialises in short hair styling and regularly shares tutorials on how to achieve healthy, great-looking hair. Follow Mathilde on Instagram.

Today’s Task: Clarifying Cleanse

1. Start by applying a clarifying shampoo (such as Living Proof Detox Shampoo) to remove product buildup and impurities.
2. Gently massage the scalp to stimulate blood circulation.
3. Condition with a lightweight, sulphate and paraben-free conditioner, focusing on the lengths and ends.


Wellness. Detox. Cleansing.

If you associate these words with green juices, salads and a stringent workout routine, we can relate. But here’s the thing: there’s a whole lot more to wellness than a shot of wheatgrass, a face mask or a bubble bath.

We’re here to help you define your own version of revitalisation – and that starts with the CLOUD NINE-DAY DETOX. Throughout the journey, we’ll be sharing expert-led daily insights to help you transform your locks alongside a community committed to hair health.

From scalp care and hydration hacks to the best ingredients for an effective hair detox, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s more on what to expect from our radiance-boosting regime:

The Science of Hair Detox – To achieve flip-worthy hair, you need to take it back to the roots. Discover all the facts before embarking on your hair detox journey.

Weekly Detox Routines – We’re with you for the long run. Learn how to spot when your hair is due a detox, the key steps to follow, and tips on post-detox care so that you can stay radiant all year round.

Scalp Care Rituals – It’s easy to focus on the way our hair looks from the outside, overlooking the importance of scalp health. We’ll walk you through how to maintain a healthy scalp and ensure glowing
results that last.

Hair Hydration – If you find your hair often lacks body and shine, it’s most likely in need of a deep-moisture fix. Find out how to quench its thirst naturally and you’ll head off dryness for good.

Product Selection Guide – By this stage in the journey, you’ll be ready to invest in your routine. Whether it’s exfoliating scrubs or high-tech straighteners – we shine a light on the products worth adding to your cart.

Detox-Friendly Styles – Being on a hair detox doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Our expert team will be sharing inspiration for the hottest styles that use the coolest temperatures.

Your hair, your rules.

Ready to kickstart your ultimate hair health journey? Join us and our growing community taking hair self-care to new levels, all with the CLOUD NINE 9-Day Detox. 

Learn about the CLOUD NINE 9-Day Detox

Go forward to Day 2: The Science of Hair Detox